Tag Archives: in the news

Rentboy.com, Sexism, and “End Demand”

Have you been following the news about the raid on the Rentboy.com offices? Rentboy was a website designed to connect trans and cisgender male escorts with clients. Two days ago, police arrested the CEO and six staffers, charging them with promoting prostitution. When we compare the way that Rentboy is being talked about compared to […]

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Groundbreaking Legal News: Hopsital Sued For Surgery On An Intersex Child

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This is really amazing news. For the first time, a lawsuit has been filed because of a surgery performed on an intersex child. For many years, medical professionals have pressured parents of children with intersex conditions to consent to surgery to try to “fix” them. Not only do the surgeries not do what the doctors […]

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Jim Brown’s Sex Life Is A Red Herring

Some new headlines about the Robert Pickton case are making the rounds. It seems that Jim Brown, one of the police officers involved in the investigation of the serial killer, had some photos on Fetlife, a social network for the BDSM world. The images of him holding a leash that’s connected to a collared woman […]

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Now You See It, Now You Don’t: What’s Going On With The G-spot?

The news sites are all a-flutter with the latest news! A doctor has finally found the G-spot! [Insert your favorite joke about it being about time that a man figured out where it is. I’m getting tired of them.] This isn’t the first time that science has flip-flopped on this. Back in 1982, sexologists Alice […]

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Open Relationships, Infidelity, and Cheating

I’m generally in favor of anything that gets more discussion of sexual and relationship diversity into the news, but the recent allegations by Newt Gingrich’s second wife about his demand for an “open marriage” after having an affair for six years has highlighted the general confusion about what these words mean. For example, W. Bradford […]

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A Perfect Illustration of the Act Like a Man Box

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Wow. This is exactly what I wrote about in The Performance of Masculinity. (click on the image to see it full size) This lovely “report” was created by Pat Lynch, a high school guidance counselor and football coach from Wyoming, and given to the football team. It seems that his way of dealing with boys […]

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I Want Marriage to Mean Something, Too

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Last week, some Republican Florida politicians pushed back against one of their number who wants to repeal some laws against unmarried (heterosexual) couples that live together but aren’t married. This law has been on the books since the late 1800’s but isn’t enforced too often. And while some politicians are hesitant to talk about it, […]

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