Now You See It, Now You Don’t: What’s Going On With The G-spot?
- Apr, 25, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- resources, sex education, sex research, sexual practices
- 1 Comment.

The news sites are all a-flutter with the latest news! A doctor has finally found the G-spot! [Insert your favorite joke about it being about time that a man figured out where it is. I’m getting tired of them.] This isn’t the first time that science has flip-flopped on this. Back in 1982, sexologists Alice […]
Upcoming Workshop: G-spot Pleasures 4/3/11
- Mar, 26, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex education, sexual practices
- No Comments.

I’ll be teaching a workshop on the G-spot at the Looking Glass, a fantastic dungeon and play space in downtown Oakland. Come on by and get all your questions about G-spot play answered! G-spot Pleasures! At the Looking Glass, Jack London Square, Oakland, CA April 3, 2011 2-4 pm Email to RSVP and get directions […]
Read MoreWhere, oh where has the G-spot gone?
- Jan, 11, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research
- No Comments.

This article first appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. Every time I think we’ve sorted out the question of whether the G-spot exists, some new study gets published and the media takes it and runs with it. The Times (UK) has reported that a team of British researchers has shown that the G-spot doesn’t exist. […]
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