Tag Archives: spirituality

Video of the Godless Perverts Panel Discussion on Atheism & Sex

I had a great time speaking on the Godless Perverts panel with Greta Christina, Maggie Mayhem, and Chris Hall. The questions that surround sex, spirituality, religion, and atheism have been on my mind lately, so it was a real pleasure to get to have a conversation with such amazing people. Here’s the event description: What’s […]

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If You Want Me To Not See You As An Enemy, Stop Doing The Things My Enemies Do: An Open Letter to Z Budapest

A little background: I’ve been going to PantheaCon, an annual convention for pagan spiritual groups and communities, for many years. It’s a really fun con, with some amazing workshops, discussions, rituals, and parties. At the 2011 con, some transgender women tried to attend a ceremony that was advertised in the program as open to women, […]

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Call for Research Participants: Queers and Transcendant/Spiritual Sex

This showed up in my email today. Sounds like a great bit of research. Feel free to pass it along. Hello Friends and Colleagues, I am currently recruiting participants for my dissertation research. Your help in finding participants would be greatly appreciated! If you or anyone you know can answer positively to all of the […]

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What Do Modern Religions Have to Say About Sex?

Debra Haffner is a minister and sexologist who I know through the American Association of Sexuality Educators Counselors & Therapists. She’s also the author of some great books: From Diapers to Dating: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Sexually Healthy Children What Every 21st-Century Parent Needs to Know: Facing Today’s Challenges with Wisdom and Heart Beyond […]

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