Tag Archives: feminism

Call for Submissions: Ain’t I A Woman: Race, Feminism And Social Media

This showed upon my screen and I wanted to pass it along. Please share it with anyone who might be interested. It looks like a fantastic project! “AIN’T I A WOMAN: RACE, FEMINISM AND SOCIAL MEDIA” CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Morgane Richardson, Professional Feminist, Founder of Refuse the Silence and Ain’t I a Woman Events and Jessie Daniels, Associate […]

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When Scientists Don’t Understand Sex: Feminism, Dominance, and Arousal

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Psychology Today posted a piece by someone with a PhD in computational neuroscience and someone with a PhD in biologically inspired models of machine learning, which apparently qualifies them to make some remarkable statements about gender, sexuality, and relationships. They seem to prefer making some remarkably reductionist and essentialist claims about how sex works, along […]

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Dealing With It When Women Make More Money Than Men

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Clipped from: www.nytimes.com (share this clip) An article on the NY Times site caught my eye today. It seems that a lot of heterosexual men are having a hard time dealing with their partners’ financial success. The idea that men are supposed to be the breadwinner dies hard, and it’s making some guys upset when […]

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Words to Live By: What is Feminist Sex Education?

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Clipped from: www.scarleteen.com (share this clip) Although I don’t identify as a feminist, I do describe myself as dedicated to fair and just treatment of all people, which includes working to end gender-based discrimination. One of the ways that this informs my work as a sex educator is that I advocate for accurate information that […]

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Sex-Positive Feminists Talking About Porn and Sex Work

The always-fabulous Maymay shared this video made by a group of sex-positive feminists discussing their views on porn, sex work, sexual autonomy and the ongoing conversations debates fights with anti-porn feminists. I can’t say it better than they did, so click on the link and see for yourself. And pass it on.

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Sex-Positivity, Setting Boundaries, Hearing Boundaries

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I recently wrote about some of the things that I see causing conflict between sex-positivity and feminism. There’s quite a bit more to unpack here and I’ve been sitting with it for a while. It seems to me that these two movements have a lot to offer each other and could be really strong allies, […]

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Sex-Positivity, Feminism, Arrogance, and Shame

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I received a comment recently from someone that I think brings up some really important topics: Unfortunately I found that there’s this binary in the feminist and/or sex-positive worlds: either you are against all porn and BDSM etc or you are sex-positive and therefore are unwilling to admit that sexuality all too often has a […]

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