Tag Archives: fantasies

When Scientists Don’t Understand Sex: Feminism, Dominance, and Arousal

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Psychology Today posted a piece by someone with a PhD in computational neuroscience and someone with a PhD in biologically inspired models of machine learning, which apparently qualifies them to make some remarkable statements about gender, sexuality, and relationships. They seem to prefer making some remarkably reductionist and essentialist claims about how sex works, along […]

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What Do You Want?

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Greta Christina has a great piece on the Blowfish blog (note: the original link is broken) about asking for what you want from a lover. And I think that, for the most part, she’s right when she says: “Oh, I don’t know. What do you want to do?” It took me way too many years […]

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the meanings of fantasies

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I read a lot of blogs about porn, sex, sex work and such and I’m often struck by how many people make statements about the motivations of everyone who watches porn, or is a sex work client, engages in BDSM, or simply enjoys a specific sexual desire, fantasy or practice. I think it’s amazing how […]

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