New Research: More Evidence That Porn Doesn’t Cause Sex Crimes
- Dec, 01, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography, sex & culture, sex research, sexual politics

A few months ago, I wrote about some research showing that when porn becomes legal in various places, the rate of sex crimes stays about the same or decreases. This is contrary to one of the common anti-porn arguments that we’ve heard from various directions. And now, there’s even more evidence showing that porn doesn’t […]
Consent, Compliance, and the Challenges of Negotiating Sex
- Nov, 29, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research, sexual practices
Clipped from: (share this clip) One of the most important and most tricky issues when it comes to sex is what we mean by consent. The notion of consent is often used to explain the difference between kinky sex and abuse, for example. And it’s often part of the conversation when we talk about […]
Read MoreLet’s Hear it For Science! Why Some People Are Immune to AIDS
- Nov, 08, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research, sexual medicine
- 1 Comment.
Clipped from: (share this clip) One of the big questions in AIDS research has been answered: why do some HIV-positive people never develop AIDS? About 1 in 300 people with HIV are what scientists call “HIV controllers” because their bodies are able to control the virus and keep it from replicating, which means they […]
Read MoreThe Politics of Porn, The Porn of Politics
- Nov, 02, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography, sex & culture, sex research
- 1 Comment.

This post also appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. This isn’t the usual look at the politics of porn. According to the article Changes in pornography-seeking behaviors following political elections: an examination of the challenge hypothesis, there’s an interesting connection between how people vote and their porn habits. It turns out that states that voted […]
Read MoreUpcoming Conference on Alternative Sexualities 9/23/10 in San Francisco
- Sep, 14, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- resources, sex education, sex research, sexual medicine, sexual practices
- No Comments.
One of the biggest difficulties queer, kinky, and/or polyamorous people face when looking for therapists or other mental health support is that professionals get very little training about any kind of sex, much less “alternative” sexualities. Despite the lack of any real correlation between being kinky (for example) and having mental health issues, many therapists […]
Read MoreEmotional Skills Help Men Live Longer
- Aug, 31, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- relationships, sex & culture, sex research, shame, social oppressions
- 1 Comment.
This post first appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. Clipped from: (share this clip) It’s been known for a while that men tend to have a shorter life expectancy than women. While there are a few guesses as to why that is, one factor is having a macho attitude. Time Magazine reports that some […]
The Kinsey Institute's Looking for Student Grant Proposals
- Aug, 09, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research
- No Comments.
via Are you a sexuality grad student? Are you looking for a little extra cash to help you with your research? (If you answered yes to the first question, then I’m pretty sure you did the same for the second one :-)) The Kinsey Institute is accepting applications for student grants, but the deadline’s […]
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