Tag Archives: AIDS

World AIDS Day: Looking Back

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This post first appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. I don’t recall when I first heard about AIDS.I was 11 when the first cases were documented by the CDC in 1981, but it took a while before the news percolated down to me. I remember being 12 or 13 and the panic that hit everywhere. […]

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Let’s Hear it For Science! Why Some People Are Immune to AIDS

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Clipped from: healthland.time.com (share this clip) One of the big questions in AIDS research has been answered: why do some HIV-positive people never develop AIDS? About 1 in 300 people with HIV are what scientists call “HIV controllers” because their bodies are able to control the virus and keep it from replicating, which means they […]

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Shame as a Public Health Issue

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This post also appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. For years, safer sex advocates have been saying that self-esteem has a huge effect on how much people engage in risk-reduction and harm-reduction behaviors. That’s why many of the most effective intervention programs & organizations, whether online like Scarleteen.com or in-person like the StopAIDS Project, offer […]

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