Call For Research Participants: Gender Presentation In The Workplace
- Dec, 03, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- gender, sexual communities, sexual politics, social oppressions
- No Comments.

The way we present our gender to the world around us can have big effects on how people treat us, but so far, there isn’t much research on how gender nonconformity shapes our work lives. Of course, plenty of people have stories to tell, and my friend Alison Fogarty is looking for research participants for […]
Scholarship For Research About The Leather/Kink Community
- Apr, 17, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research, sexual communities
- No Comments.

Do you want to do research or journalism about the kink/leather/BDSM community? The Leather Archives & Museum in Chicago is an amazing resource and it has extensive collections. Of course, it’s often difficult to get there, especially when you’re a grad student or freelance writer. So I was really happy to see that there’s a […]
Read MoreFTM Dissertation Study: Participants Needed
- Jan, 12, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- sex & culture, sex research, sexual communities
- No Comments.

Via Sinclair Sexsmith Just helping get the word out. See below for details, and please pass it on. Are you a female-to-male transsexual age 25-45? Have you been on testosterone for five years or more? Do you live full time as a man? Were you primarily sexually attracted to women before transition, and now […]
Read MoreCall for Participants: Research on How People Talk About Lube
- Aug, 17, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research
- No Comments.
This came my way and I thought I’d pass it along. It’s a pretty fast survey and it’s in the name of science! See below and pass it on. (BTW- their demographic question on gender isn’t great. I’ve emailed them, but feel free to give them your feedback, too.) The Center for Sexual Health Promotion […]
Read MoreHow Neuroscience “Explanations” Make Us Believe What We Hear
- Apr, 27, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research

This post also appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. I was recently at the annual conference for the Western Region of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and one of the speakers mentioned a fascinating bit of research on the effects of neuroscientific explanations. It seems that when an article explains something by […]
Call for Participants: Research on Experiences With Porn
- Mar, 10, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography, sex research, sexual politics
Much of the writing about porn rests on the assumption that porn causes harm to the viewer, even though there isn’t actual research to support that claim. A new research project showed up in my in-box and I think it has the potential to finally answer some of the questions about porn. Porn Research is […]
Read MoreThe Pain of Rejection and Shame
- Feb, 12, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex positivity, sexual health, shame

I recently ran across a fascinating article: Why rejection hurts: A common neural alarm system for physical and social pain. According to the authors, physical pain and social pain (which happens when social relationships are threatened, damaged or lost) are both processed in the same part of the brain. It seems that the anterior cingulate […]
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