Tag Archives: queer rights

Australian Teen Can’t Take Her Girlfriend to the Prom

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This post also appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. Clipped from: feministing.com (share this clip) What is it with schools not letting teens bring dates to the prom? According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Hannah Williams wanted to bring her girlfriend to the prom and the folks in charge at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School in […]

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queer rights around the world

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Via @audaciaray LGBT rights vary widely from place to place. With all of the current hoopla in the US about same-sex marriage, I think it’s important to recognize the struggles queers face in other places. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) has created a world map showing the places where queers […]

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thanks, Mr. Cheney

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Those are words that I never thought I’d say. It seems that Dick Cheney, whose daughter is a lesbian, has finally come out and said that he supports gay marriage, but on the state level rather than the federal level since marriage has historically been regulated on the state level in the US. And I […]

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GOP Chairman Michael Steele: “gay marriage is bad for business”

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via Carnal Nation Does it seem to you that the anti-gay marriage folks are getting a little desperate to come up with a logical, reasonable explanation for why they don’t want gays to marry (besides their homophobia, I mean)? You’ll love this one, then. GOP Chairman Michael Steele has proposed that if gays are allowed […]

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here we go again with the lies and hate

It seems that the National Organization for Marriage can’t come up with a reason why same sex couples shouldn’t get married that’s not based on bigotry and homophobia, so they’re falling back on creating a moral panic. Check this out. Pretty remarkable isn’t it. Lies about how people who support queer marriage are going to […]

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