Tag Archives: female sexuality

Sex Advice: Trouble Having a Vaginal Orgasm

I recently got sent  the following question for a sex advice column for Dick-n-Jane.com (reprinted here with permission). If you have questions about sex, please get in touch– I’d be glad to offer what I can. So far in my life I’ve only been able to have a vaginal orgasm about three times from what […]

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Emotional Intelligence and Better Sex (For Women)

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I just ran across a 2009 article in the Journal Of Sexual Medicine called Emotional Intelligence and Its Association with Orgasmic Frequency in Women and it’s pretty fascinating. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and work with emotions. You could also think of it as the ability to control one’s emotions and influence […]

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Sex Positivity and the Virgin/Whore Dichotomy

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This article first appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. There’s a pattern that I’ve seen in some circles to assume that people who describe themselves as sex-positive will do anything and everything. And while that affects anyone who moves in these communities, there’s a way in which it has an impact on women that’s different […]

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Vaginal Corona: The Updated Hymen

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The Swedish Association for Sexual Education has just published an excellent info booklet about the hymen, which they have renamed the “vaginal corona”. Apparently, the Swedish word  for hymen is modomshina, which is translated as “virginity membrane.” But as they point out in the booklet, there are many different ways that people define virginity and […]

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Slut Shaming Doesn't Sparkle

A news report came out today that hits close to home for me. Literally, since it’s about something going on at my hometown high school. It seems that an annual tradition has evolved in which the senior girls create a “slut list” of the incoming first-year girls. According to ABC news, the list names of […]

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The Effects of Sexual Violence Against Women

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I just received a link to a really important article on the topic of sexual violence against women and how it can affect sexual health behaviors. Some people find the topic of sexual assault triggering, so I ask you to take care of yourself around that before reading this. The paper “Sexual Violence Against Women: […]

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Orgasm Inc.: A film about the medicalization of female sexuality

Via @clarissethorn Orgasm Inc. is a new film that premiered at the Hot Docs Film Festival, Toronto, Ontario about the ongoing trend to medicalize female sexuality. As we’ve seen over and over, there’s a lot of money to be made by promising better sex. But a female equivalent of Viagra has yet to be developed. […]

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