The Contraception Gap
- Mar, 12, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- resources, sex research, sexual health
- No Comments.
I recently read an amazing report by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy called The Fog Zone: How Misperceptions, Magical Thinking, and Ambivalence Put Young Adults at Risk for Unplanned Pregnancy (PDF). It’s a thorough and impressive bit of research about the gap between what young adults know about contraception and their […]
Read MoreBreaking News from the Research Front: Contraception Decreases Abortion Rates
- Oct, 13, 2009
- Charlie Glickman
- resources, sex research, sexual health
- 1 Comment.
The Guttmacher Institute has just released a report that shows that worldwide increases in contraception use between 1995-2003 led to a reduction in the number of unintended pregnancies and therefore abortions. Now, that seems pretty obvious to me, but there’s some backstory to this. At the same time that contraception has become more widely available, […]
Read Moremale birth control pill?
- Jun, 29, 2009
- Charlie Glickman
- sexual health
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I was reading this great post at and this article on on some of the barriers to developing hormonal birth control for men to take and it’s got me thinking. The most obvious issue for me is that despite all of the social changes that have taken place over the last century, for […]
some new info on pulling out
- May, 15, 2009
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research, sexual health
- 1 Comment.

A new report by the Guttmacher Institute shows that withdrawal (aka pulling out and coitus interruptus) may be more effective than was previously thought. According to “Better Than Nothing or Savvy Risk-Reduction Practice? The Importance of Withdrawal,” by Rachel K. Jones et al., in the June 09 issue of Contraception, “perfect use” of withdrawal results […]
Read MoreHere we go again. Planned Parenthood has lost funding in SoCal
- Mar, 12, 2009
- Charlie Glickman
- resources, sexual politics
- No Comments.

Here we go again. The Orange County Board of Supervisors has suspended Planned Parenthood’s funding, terminating a contract that PP had to provide health and sex education for thousands of teens because they also provide abortions. Never mind the fact that this funding was for education programs and none of it was ever spent on […]
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