What Affirmative Consent Looks Like
- Sep, 09, 2014
- Charlie Glickman
- relationships, sex & culture, sexual politics
It’s been really excited to see the progress of California Senate Bill 967. If it gets signed, it will require all universities that receive financial aid to use a standard of “affirmative consent” in disciplinary hearings about sexual assault. In a nutshell, it shifts things from “did anyone say no?” to “did everyone say yes?” […]
Read MoreAccidental Assault, Due Diligence, and Consent
- Jul, 03, 2013
- Charlie Glickman
- relationships

Here’s a question that someone sent to me that is definitely worth asking: Is it possible to accidentally sexually assault someone? My short answer: yes. And I think there’s a lot to say about this. One of the biggest difficulties when we’re talking about sexual assault and consent is the question of what consent is […]
I Had To Learn To Receive Before I Could Learn To Ask
- Apr, 20, 2013
- Charlie Glickman
- relationships, shame
I’ve been leaning into some edges lately and learning how to ask people for help. Specifically, asking people I don’t know well for things has been a difficult thing for me. It’s been coming up since I’ve been on tour for The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure because I’ve asked a few people I didn’t […]
Read MoreSlut-Shaming Enables Rape
- May, 31, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex & culture, sexual politics

As you may have heard, SlutWalk started in response to a Toronto police officer saying that women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to avoid harassment or rape. And what was originally intended to be a local rally has inspired dozens of similar marches around the world. The word “slut” has a rather difficult […]
Read MoreThe Nuances of Consent: More Thoughts About Public Disgrace
- Mar, 29, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography, relationships

I’ve been really intrigued by the comments on my post last week, Consent and Public Disgrace. Some folks found that it helped them unpack some of the issue of consent. Others pointed out (rightfully, I think) that the question of what forms of sexuality are permitted in public spaces is deeply influenced by privilege. Homophobia, […]
Read MoreConsent and Public Disgrace
- Mar, 20, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography, sex & culture, sex positivity

As anyone who’s been a regular reader of my stuff will know, I’m a big fan of consent. Of course, very few people will come out and say that they’re not. But for me, consent is one of the three supports for sex-positivity, the other two being pleasure and well-being. I firmly believe that the […]
Read MoreConsent, Open Relationships, and Sex-Positivity
- Jan, 05, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex positivity, sexual communities, sexual practices, social oppressions
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Clipped from: www.afreesociety.org (share this clip) One of the difficulties I’ve seen when it comes to discussions and debates around sexual practices and communities of erotic affiliation centers on the notion of consent. On one side, there are the folks who bring everything back to the question of the individual. The general argument is that […]
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