Call for Participants: Research on BDSM and Its Effects on Trauma and Shame
- Mar, 22, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research, sexual practices, shame
- 1 Comment.
Another really interesting research project came through my RSS feed today. Here’s the text from the survey landing page. Check it out and pass it on! As a student at Goddard College I am gathering stories from individuals who have experienced sexual trauma and have, either successfully or unsuccessfully, intentionally used BDSM to cope with, […]
Call for Participants: Research on Experiences With Porn
- Mar, 10, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography, sex research, sexual politics
Much of the writing about porn rests on the assumption that porn causes harm to the viewer, even though there isn’t actual research to support that claim. A new research project showed up in my in-box and I think it has the potential to finally answer some of the questions about porn. Porn Research is […]
Read MoreCritical Thinking in a NY Times Opinion Piece on Sex? Unfortunately, No.
- Mar, 09, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- relationships, sex & culture, sex positivity, sex research, shame
- 1 Comment.

This post also appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. The NY Times has an opinion piece up the other day by Ross Douthat, Why Monogamy Matters, which highlights what happens when people who don’t think all that clearly about sex write about sex. Douthat starts with the recent research from the Centers for Disease Control […]
Call for Participants: Research on Women’s Sexual Desire in LTRs
- Mar, 02, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex research
- No Comments.
The folks at the Center for Sexual Health Promotion have been cranking out some amazing research about sexual practices lately. I just ran across their newest call for participants: they’re looking for women in long term relationships to explore how they experience sexual desire. Check it out below, and pass it on! Hello, Our research […]
New Research: Young Couples Disagree About Whether They’re Monogamous
- Feb, 09, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- relationships, sex research, sexual health

This post also appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. I don’t watch a lot of TV these days, but back when I did, there was a subplot on Friends when Rachel & Ross “took a break” in their relationship, during which Ross had sex with someone else. When they got back together, it turned into […]
Read MoreCall for Participants: Research on Women’s Experiences of Porn
- Feb, 07, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography, sex & culture, sex research
This seems to the the day for me to get requests for research participants. A former student of mine is gearing up for her dissertation and she’s looking for women who watch or read sexually explicit media to take a survey. Here’s the info: Are You a Woman Who Views, Reads, or Listens to Pornography, […]
Read MoreCall for Participants: Survey on Healthcare for Transgender Folks
- Feb, 07, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- resources, sex research, sexual communities, sexual medicine
I got the flyer below in my in-box today. While I don’t know this person myself, the person who sent it says that they’re an active supporter of and adviser to LGBTQ youth groups, as well as being dedicated to their own activism and education work. This study has the potential to become a tool […]
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