Where To Get Trained As A Sex Educator

I field a lot of questions from people who want to become sex educators for adults and are looking for advice for where to get trained. So rather than answer them individually, I thought I’d write a post that I could link to and make my life easier. The first thing I need to say […]

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How To Disclose A Possible STI Exposure

Talking about sexually transmitted infections can be tricky. Most of the time, sex educators focus on how to have the conversation before you have sex. Reid Mihalko’s safer sex elevator pitch is a really good format for that: Reid’s Safer Sex Elevator Speech Write down your answers for each and then try it out on […]

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What’s Missing From The New Research On Anal Play

There’s some new research about women’s experiences of receiving anal play, and it’s worth taking a look at. About 2000 heterosexual women who experienced anal intercourse at least twice in the previous year were asked about the level and frequency of pain. Almost half (48.8%) had to discontinue the experience because of pain or discomfort, […]

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Eight Steps Towards Becoming A Sexuality Workshop Teacher

There are a lot of paths people take to becoming sex educators. One of the most common (and in some ways, simplest) is to become a workshop presenter. Having seen many different workshops and classes, though, I’ve observed some common pitfalls, so here are some suggestions for how to avoid them. Getting Started as a […]

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Free Event: An Open Conversation About Sex & Cancer

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I’m on the panel for this upcoming event. Help us get the word out!

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What Makes A Sex Geek?

I’m guessing that this won’t surprise anyone, but I’m a sex geek. I’ve been studying, learning, talking, and teaching about sex for over 20 years and I continue to find it endlessly fascinating, complex, and fun. Though I’ve described myself as a sex geek for a while, I decided that I wanted to explore what […]

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Go to Kegel Camp and Tone Your PC Muscles

Plenty of folks have heard about Kegel exercises, but let’s face it- it can be hard to remember to do them. Fortunately, there’s an app for that, too. Plus, the app includes a code for 15% off your next purchase at Good Vibrations. What a bargain! Emily Morse, the host of the Sex With Emily […]

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