The Difference Between Talking About Sex And Having Sex
- Oct, 20, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- uncategorized

One of the complaints about sex education for children is that it sexualizes them. Generally, I hear this sort of thing from people who push for abstinence-only programs even though they don’t work. But whatever the motivations behind it, I think it’s worth taking a look at the idea that talking about sexuality creates sexualization, […]
Read MoreFinally! A Texas School Board Votes for Sex Education
- Mar, 30, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex education, sexual politics
- No Comments.
It’s about time these folks got their act together. The Midland, Texas school board decided that their abstinence-only sexual propaganda program wasn’t working. Of course, there’s been plenty of research showing that, but what changed their minds was the 150 pregnancies among their students since the start of the school year in August. Since their […]
Margaret Brooks Attacks Sex Ed Again
- Feb, 07, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex & culture, sex education, sex positivity, sexual health

Margaret Brooks, the noted anti-sex work activist who thinks that arresting sex workers somehow protects them (because hundreds of years of evidence isn’t enough to show that it always makes things much worse for them), is at it again. Citizens Against Trafficking just released a statement from her that’s full of scare quotes, misinformation, and […]
Great Info for Sexual Health Clinics and Educators Who Work With Young Men
- Dec, 22, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- resources, sex education, sexual health
- No Comments.
Clipped from: (share this clip) There are a lot of reasons that sexual health messages and services tend to focus on women. Since many of the people who develop sexuality education and health services are women, they often focus on issues and topics that are specific to girls and women. Health care traditionally ignored […]
GTIs vs. STIs: Notice the Difference?
- Aug, 06, 2010
- Charlie Glickman
- sex & culture, sex positivity, sexual health, shame

The NY Times reported today that anyone working out at a gym needs to be really careful to avoid skin infections such as MRSA, impetigo, jock itch, or athlete’s foot from contact with other people’s skin or from gym equipment. These Gym Transmitted Infections (GTIs- a term I just made up) can be annoying, in […]
Planned Parenthood has sex ed tools for you
- May, 14, 2009
- Charlie Glickman
- sex education, sexual health, sexual politics
- No Comments.

Given that the Obama administration has stopped funding abstinence-only sex misinformation, I’m sure that lots of schools are scrambling to figure out what to do. Fortunately, Planned Parenthood just launched an amazing site which is full of resources, information and support. If you work with kids, or if you have kids, or if you know […]
the end of funding for abstinence-only miseducation
- May, 07, 2009
- Charlie Glickman
- sex education, sexual health
- No Comments.

It’s official! The White House has released the proposed 2010 federal budget and funding for abstinence-only education misinformation and propaganda masquerading as science is gone!!!! Community Based Abstinence Education funding is gone!!!! Title V abstinence-only funding is gone!!!! (scroll to page 39 of the pdf for the section on sex education) True to his word, […]
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