Call for Submissions: Women’s Descriptions of Orgasm

The truly fabulous Midori is looking for women to participate in a new project:

I turn to you, dear readers, for some juicy material needed for a very special project. I am collecting women’s accounts of the physical experience their orgasms. I’m really hoping that some of you can help me out with this. Feel free to pass it on to any women or lists with women who might be interested.

Details –

I am seeking first person descriptions from women about their orgasms.

Who: You are a woman, 18 years or older, who have experienced one or more variety of orgasms. (Transwomen! I want your unique perspectives too!)

What: Essay of clear and detailed description of your orgasm, from start to finish, focusing on the physical experience, expressed in your own words. When does it start? What’s the hint of it? Where does it start? How does it move through your body? What sort of sensations? Imagine trying to illustrate your orgasm to a person who’s never had it.

• If you have more than one type of orgasm, each variety would be written in a separate essay piece. (The get-to-sleep quickie, the deep one, the surprise one, the long building one, solo-sex one, when getting oral sex, etc…)

How Long? As long as it takes for you to describe it. It may be a couple of paragraphs or couple of pages.

Credit line: How would you like your essay to be credited? You’ll have one or two lines.

Editing: At most I will edit for grammar, spelling and simple readability. I want to keep it as true to your original narrative and tone as possible.

When: No later than end of August

• Send to midori AT fhp-inc DOT com

• Please make sure that there’s an e mail I can reliable reach you at. I may have some questions around editing or some other detail.

I’m happy to answer any questions on this.

Thank you!


One Response so far.

  1. Chrystal says:

    I love this project. Since I heard about this from Midori I have been trying very hard to be mindful of my own so I can figure out how to put it into words. It’s such an imporant subject, but boy is it hard to describe. Plus they are all so different one to the other. But, I am keeping myself busy working on trying to catalog the feelings. It’s tough work, but someone has to do it. Thanks for reminding me to share this again.

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