What Revenge Porn Tells Us About Sex and Humiliation
- Jan, 29, 2013
- Charlie Glickman
- gender, shame, social oppressions
I’m always intrigued by the many ways that sex and shame intertwine in our culture, and “revenge porn” says a lot about that. Revenge porn sites, if you aren’t familiar with them, are designed for men who want to upload sexy photos of their ex-girlfriends and lovers without permission. One of the most common scenarios […]
Read MoreThe Porn I’d Like to See in the World
- Aug, 04, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- pornography
I spend a lot of time thinking about and talking about porn. I find our cultural relationship to it fascinating, partly because it sheds light on some facets of our attitudes towards sex that are hard to see otherwise. In the interest of full disclosure, I work for a company that sells sexually explicit movies […]
“Is BDSM Feminist?” is the Wrong Question to Ask
- Aug, 02, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- gender, sex & culture, sexual communities, sexual politics

I’ve been having conversations about the meaning of BDSM for a long, long time. Part of that is that I’ve been doing various things that generally fall in the kink category since I was about 19. Part of that is that sex educators have these sorts of talks with a lot of different people. Part […]
Read MoreIf You Don’t Respect Sluts, You Don’t Respect Women
- Mar, 07, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- sexual politics, shame
In all of the discussion and debate about Rush Limbaugh’s recent attack on and pseudo-apology to Sandra Fluke, there’s a piece that I want to call out: if you don’t respect sluts, you don’t respect women. There have been other articles, like Yasmin Nair’s In Defense of Sluts, that touch on this. As she said, […]
Read MoreCome To the [SSEX BBOX] Premiere Party!
- Jan, 11, 2012
- Charlie Glickman
- sex & culture, sex positivity, sexual communities
- No Comments.

I’ve written about [SSEX BBOX] before because it’s such an amazing project. The filmmakers have been interviewing smart, thoughtful, sexy people in São Paulo, Barcelona, Berlin and San Francisco, four cities known for sex-positivity and celebration of sexual diversity. They’re putting together a fantastic documentary and the last time I spoke with them, they were working on getting Portuguese, Spanish, German, and English subtitles […]
Read MoreGetting Older, Getting Better
- Dec, 20, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- relationships, sex & culture

One of my favorite sex nerds, Dr. Debby Herbenick, recently retweeted something that I’ve been thinking about for a while: true. “@hotaction: Everyone should spend some time looking at photos of naked old people because that’s what the future looks like.” — Dr. Debby Herbenick (@mysexprofessor) December 18, 2011 Today is the 20th anniversary of […]
World AIDS Day: Looking Back
- Dec, 14, 2011
- Charlie Glickman
- sex & culture, sexual health
- 1 Comment.

This post first appeared on the Good Vibrations Magazine. I don’t recall when I first heard about AIDS.I was 11 when the first cases were documented by the CDC in 1981, but it took a while before the news percolated down to me. I remember being 12 or 13 and the panic that hit everywhere. […]
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